
I needed a little break from the usual Sons of Horus.

Yet I was still in the mindset of Horus Heresy and the Siege of Terra.

So I made a small squad of Death Guard to tag along with my Sons of Horus! You wouldn’t know it from looking at these blokes, but they were really a palette cleanser. I had a lot of fun adding tons of rust and slime and oily ooze to these guys!

First up is a standard MKIII marine from Forgeworld… They are rather smaller than the new plastic ones, but lifting him up on a slightly taller base helps, so he don’t look too much out of place. These Forgeworld marines have a kind of archaic and well… crusty feel, that works well with the Death Guard.

This guy is dirty s sin! I don’t want to know what he looks like beneath his armor… Maybe he is just an empty suit of armor filled and operated by a massive cloud of flies.

This one’s from this little set of 3 modern plastic plague marines… The way that Death Guard are described in the Siege of Terra novels, they are corrupted, diseased and fat and possessed by demons and what not… Propper plague marines, so placing them in the Horus Heresy era is just a matter of painting them in the old Death Guard colors. A lot of gloss varnish went on his tentacles, buboes and the intestine coming from his mouth! Vhew that’s ugly, I imagine that fleshy tube to be an intestine growing out of his mouth…

Here’s another one of the modern plague marines. I swapped his head with one of the plastic MKIII marines’ heads… A very minor conversion I daresay… But it makes him unique. Some fluorescent orange on the jewelry balls hanging from his belt. I used some graphite to enhance the metals and create worn edges on the rusted bit. Just scrape some off of a pencil and rub it on the select areas at the very last of the painting process.

The vexillary is a modern plastic plague marine, he was just lurking there in my stash, I really love this figure and he had just been sitting there for a couple of years waiting for an excuse to get painted.

I had a lot of fun building up different rust textures. I glazed a little red brown paint here and there and made runners of that. I used the old Modelmates rust paint (Modelmates is discontinued now, but you can get the same rust paint from Dirty Down, I used both) The big crusty areas were achieved with U-rust from Ammo by Mig Jiminez. This is a crazy 2- component product that creates real rust in a very rough way.

Here’s their sergeant vomiting black ooze down his chest… and with rolls of fat spilling out of his neck seal. Modern MKIII marine with a head swap.

I name him Grulgor in honor of that vile character in the novel The Flight of the Eisenstein. He is not supposed to be the same Grulgor as his namesake in the story, but I imagine that on Barbarus where these guys come from Grulgor is a common name like Peter or John…

And here they all are in their rusty and dirty glory. Perhaps I should make two more, bringing them to their magical number of seven.

I’ve been painting a bit on a terrain piece as well:

This is quite a big one. It has been some years since last I made a terrain piece… But at the moment I am working on several new pieces for scenery and photo backgrounds. I am sick and tired of photographing my 4oK and 30K miniatures in front of the same 3 terrain pieces.

Ornament inspired by the amazing art of Kris Kuksi!

A facade with Chaos cultist graffiti… This run down ruin of an old industrial complex is the hide out of my chaos cultists; The Cult of the Hallowed Eye.

This is a very old chaos cult dating all the way back to the Horus Heresy. When the Sons of Horus came and laid siege to Terra they greeted the traitors and threw in their lot with them. Most were gunned down or used as cannon fodder or human shields for their efforts. But some of the cultists survived and the cult continued and they fled to other planets and lived on clandestinely… there is quite a large grouping of them on Necromunda in the 41’st millenium.

The Cult of the Hallowed Eye.

In Mondus Centurium there is also a large group of these cultists. Many of them has joined Abaddon’s black crusades mostly to their regret… The Black Legion happily makes use of these mortal followers and idiots… Human shields and canon fodder is not to be underestimated!

And these raving lunatics just worship Horus and everything he stood for and all his descendants. They subvert society wherever they are, helping a cause they do not understand. They have no idea that they are just being used by those more powerful than themselves.

Thank you for reading this far I hope my musings here can be of some interest and maybe a little inspiration.


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